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Venture Catalyst Corporation, Makati City, Philippines | |
Updated: 09/2017 | |
DESCRIPTION: Venture Catalyst invest or manage companies or institutions including its corporate resources and assets and to act as general business advisers covering marketing, operations, production, finance and related organizational structures, including support activities and implementation of specific or integrated development projects aimed at creating value to investors and superior returns on investments, provided that the corporation shall not manage the funds, portfolio, securities and other similar assets of the managed entity. Venture Catalyst render consulting services, execute training, conduct research and development and promote technology transfer programs relevant to building business breakthroughs and establishment of innovative or pioneering enterprises or activities that will generate economic opportunities for participating stakeholders. Vision: To be the leading provider of quick business start up solutions and business interventions to facilitate entry of investments | |
MISSION: n/a | |
Year Established: 2004 Sector: Consultancy Industry: Consultancy Employees: 10 Number of Jobs Listed: 0 (View All Active Jobs of Venture Catalyst Corporation) | |
Revenue: n/a | |
Ownership: Private | |
Headquarters: Makati City,PH Web Site: http://venturecatalystcorporation.com
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