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Veritiss LLC, Reston, Virginia | |
Updated: 03/2011 | |
DESCRIPTION: Our linguistic are the link between Afghan nationals and coalition forces. They are an outlet for the Afghan people to voice their opinions, concerns and grievances to coalition units as well as help units to change words into action. VERITISS linguists serve as combat multipliers to U.S, Afghan and coalition forces by translating Pashto and other local languages into English. Linguists act as the primary advisors to the unit commander on the customs, courtesies, culture and tradition in the region thereby helping the commander to make informed decisions. Salam! Are you ready to make $6000 as a referral?? Or yourself applying for the linguistic job (Pashto) in Afghanistan and make over $210,000 an year for the qualified members with benefits for you and your family? If yes!--to any above question then you are in the right place. Hi, my name is Abdul, Adil and I¿m a recruiter/Consular for Veritiss located in Virginia. I¿m currently assigned by the company to recruit and assist A | |
MISSION: n/a | |
Year Established: n/a Sector: n/a Industry: n/a Employees: n/a Number of Jobs Listed: 0 (View All Active Jobs of Veritiss LLC) | |
Revenue: n/a | |
Ownership: Private | |
Headquarters: Reston,US-VA Web Site: http://www.afghanadvisor.com
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