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Vignettes For Training, Manila, Philippines | |
Updated: 11/2004 | |
DESCRIPTION: Vignettes for Training (VFT) is an e-learning services company. VFT assists clients develop and convert content to online learning, implement a Learning Management System, and host the programs through VFT's secure web servers. VFT also delivers a unique blended elearning workshop for instructional designers, trainers, managers and executives. VFT started in 1999 by providing their clients short and interactive stories called Vignettes. Vignettes or story telling is at the heart of VFT's instructional philosophy. VFT believes that elearning programs are best learned through small, interactive, easy to use and relevant vignettes. In 2004, VFT accumulated a library of over 300 vignettes, interactive exercises, presentations, slideshows and downloads. | |
MISSION: n/a | |
Year Established: 1999 Sector: n/a Industry: E-Learning Employees: n/a Number of Jobs Listed: 0 (View All Active Jobs of Vignettes For Training) | |
Revenue: n/a | |
Ownership: Private | |
Headquarters: Manila,PH Web Site: http://www.vignettestraining.com
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