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Vitacube Network, Denver, Colorado | |
Updated: 10/2003 | |
DESCRIPTION: VitaCube Systems,Inc. is a forward-thinking nutritional supplement company aimed at offering our clients the highest quality products and unsurpassed convenience for complete health management. We will create an awareness of the positive benefits derived from physical fitness and safe supplementation. V3S has a strict internal policy with respect to the kinds of products we formulate, manufacture and sell. We have never made in the past, nor would we ever make in the future, any products that contain ephedrine, androstene dione, creatine, or any substance that is considered experimental or having potential adverse effects. V3S is proud to build a strong foundation on advanced research, unsurpassed quality, and superior innovation for our nutritional products. Many of our clients include professional athletes, strength coaches, personal trainers and health care practitioners who have been attracted to our products because of our manufacturing standards. | |
MISSION: Our mission is building a profitable business that promotes financial independence for our distributors. We do this by combining a solid, direct-selling, business opportunity with quality nutritional supplements that simply make sense. | |
Year Established: 1999 Sector: Sports Nutrition Industry: Nutrition Employees: 20+ Number of Jobs Listed: 0 (View All Active Jobs of Vitacube Network) | |
Revenue: n/a | |
Ownership: Public Exchange: n/a Stock Symbol: n/a | |
Headquarters: Denver,US-CO Web Site: http://www.vitacube.net
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