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Helping You With Your Future, Vienna, Virginia | |
Updated: 05/2003 | |
DESCRIPTION: Are you trying not to get caught up the in the "home based business" trend? Give in! Too many businesses out there claim to be legit. Well this one actually is. You work from home processing orders for YOUR clients. That's right, YOUR clients. You send them the results of the order process and that's it. Your salary is based on how much work you put into it. Finally I have time for my family and myself. Wouldn't you like the same thing? | |
MISSION: n/a | |
Year Established: n/a Sector: n/a Industry: n/a Employees: n/a Number of Jobs Listed: 0 (View All Active Jobs of Helping You With Your Future) | |
Revenue: n/a | |
Ownership: n/a Exchange: n/a Stock Symbol: n/a | |
Headquarters: Vienna,US-VA Web Site: http://hometown.aol.com/bionic227/myhomepage/business.html
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