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HeadhunterUSA.com, Grafton, Ohio | |
Updated: 03/2001 | |
DESCRIPTION: HeadhunterUSA.com specializes in Placing Sales and IT [Information Technology] Personnel, from Entry level Account Executives to Sales or Department Managers, some Sales Management Positions, usually at the National Sales Manger level also function as the Vice President Sales & Marketing. IT Positions at the MIS Level may be also a Vice President or Director. There is NEVER A FEE to Candidates, nor to file your Resume. ALL Fees are paid by the Hiring Company (our clients). They don't want hundreds of resumes, phone calls and emails to sort through and interfere with 'Doing Business'. They would rather pay our Fee and only have a few select candidates to review and interview. Positions range from entry level Trainees in Consumer, Pharmaceutical, Commercial and Industrial Sales to those seeking a second or third Career Opportunity to Middle and Senior Management Positions. | |
MISSION: n/a | |
Year Established: 1968 Sector: Sa'Es Engr Ind'L Comm'L Rx Med Industry: Mfg Rx Med'L Ind'L Svcs Employees: 7 Number of Jobs Listed: 0 (View All Active Jobs of HeadhunterUSA.com) | |
Revenue: n/a | |
Ownership: Private | |
Headquarters: Grafton,US-OH Web Site: http://440/748-7501
| |
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